Saturday, March 31, 2012

How Much More Women Pay for Health Insurance

I like the ?poetical? approach of the maps, without having to use visual lies. The ?before? map shows a complicated situation of inequality, and the ?after? map shows how equal would be the situation, and also reinforces the concept of a equal country, without state borders. It?s a great way to transmit a message, and they didn?t had to cheat on data (at least not visually).

What I?m not sure if it?s good is that the first map shows some states that already have this situation, and we can make an interpretation like, these states are ?examples? to be followed. I should know more of the USA politics to have an opinion.

I don?t like the illogical color scale on the first map, though I like the stripes to show another kind of information. The ?red is bad? association of color works great for a Democrat, lucky him.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Woman: 'Helpless' at 13 at Pa. rectory with abuser

Monsignor William Lynn leaves the Criminal Justice Center, Tuesday, March 27, 2012 in Philadelphia. Lynn is the first Roman Catholic church official in the U.S. ever charged with child endangerment, for allegedly keeping co-defendants former priest Edward V. Avery and the Rev. James J. Brennan, and other accused predators, in ministry. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Monsignor William Lynn leaves the Criminal Justice Center, Tuesday, March 27, 2012 in Philadelphia. Lynn is the first Roman Catholic church official in the U.S. ever charged with child endangerment, for allegedly keeping co-defendants former priest Edward V. Avery and the Rev. James J. Brennan, and other accused predators, in ministry. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

PHILADELPHIA (AP) ? A witness in a landmark priest abuse trial told a jury on Thursday she felt "helpless and trapped" as a 13-year-old because a priest was fondling her when she worked weekends at the rectory.

The woman said she didn't tell anyone for years and later learned the priest had fondled two younger sisters.

Her testimony came on the fourth day of the child endangerment trial of Monsignor William Lynn, the longtime secretary for clergy in Philadelphia. Lynn is the first Roman Catholic church official in the U.S. charged with child endangerment after being accused of leaving predators in jobs around children.

Defense lawyers say Lynn took orders from two archbishops. No other church administrators are charged.

The priest accused of having fondled the woman when she was a girl at a suburban Montgomery County parish around 1970 was removed from ministry after the church sex abuse scandal broke in 2004. By then, he had admitted to an archdiocesan review board his "longstanding habit" of fondling girls' breasts, according to a 2005 grand jury report. The Associated Press is not naming him because he was never charged.

Prosecutors are showing jurors his personnel files and those of 20 other accused priests to try to show that they were left in ministry despite complaints and some admissions of child sexual abuse.

A fellow priest had contacted the archdiocese about the accused priest in 1988, when he had moved to Bucks County. Police there had received a complaint about him the previous year but declined to press charges. He was accused of fondling an 8-year-old girl in traction at a hospital.

The woman said her mother had signed her up to cook for priests on weekends for $5. She said the molestation left her deeply wounded.

Some 30 years later, the woman wrote a letter to Lynn, whom she knew from their childhoods in Roslyn, Montgomery County.

On cross-examination, she acknowledged that Lynn's office responded when she first reported her story in 2002, offered to pay for therapy and later informed her that the priest had been removed from ministry.

The trial is expected to last several months as prosecutors outline how the archdiocese handled sex abuse complaints over several decades. Lynn's sole co-defendant is the Rev. James Brennan, charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy in 1996. Brennan and Lynn have pleaded not guilty.

Earlier Thursday, jurors heard about a notorious Philadelphia priest who admitted he sexually assaulted three eighth-grade boys in one year. He resigned in 1980 after admitting a string of abuse complaints but asked to be reinstated in the late 1990s.

Confidential church files read Thursday show that Lynn advised against it because of the risk to the archdiocese. There's no mention of the potential harm to children, prosecutors noted.

The ex-priest testified before a grand jury investigating priest sexual abuse in 2005. He was never charged because of legal time limits.

By then, he had become a Latin teacher at a public middle school on Philadelphia's Main Line.

Also Thursday, jurors saw Lynn's post-treatment recommendations for a priest who had written a lewd letter to an altar boy. The priest described his sexual fantasies about the boy and asked him to write "Yes" on a school bulletin board if he wanted to act them out. The priest acknowledged he had a compulsive interest in gay pornography and masturbation.

Doctors at St. John Vianney in Downingtown, a church-run facility for priests with alcohol or sexual problems, did not think the priest had "a pathological interest in children or adolescents," according to Lynn's 1996 memo to Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua. The doctors considered the letter a "single fantasy."

Bevilacqua ordered that the priest's Levittown parish be told he was on a "health leave" during his treatment, the confidential documents show.

Lynn recommended that he be assigned to a new parish afterward, given that another priest had found the letter and pornography in the rectory. Bevilacqua agreed.

Lynn's memo outlined a detailed, four-year follow-up program that included daily Sexaholics Anonymous meetings for 90 days and regular meetings with a support team that included Lynn or a designee. Prosecutors allege the archdiocese rarely followed through on such after-care programs.

No testimony is planned on Fridays, so the trial is set to resume Monday.

Bevilacqua died of heart disease on Jan. 31, a day after he was ruled competent to testify at Lynn's trial.

Associated Press


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Social Media as a B2B Sales Tool: Experts Weigh In

Not all B2B companies have embraced social media with open arms ? wondering if it can really be used as a successful sales tool.

Social Media as a B2B Sales Tool: Experts Weigh In

To help you sort through it all, we?ve reached out to a panel of marketing and small business experts and asked them all a single question: ?What is the best strategy for using social media as a b2b sales tool? ?

Below is a collection of their thoughts and perspectives:

Joe Pulizzi

Solve the pain points of your customers with amazing information, the best in your niche. This can be done most easily through a blog for starters, then leveraging other tools. As always, start with your content strategy?then focus on what tools to use. Be the expert in your niche.

Mari Smith

To me, business is all P2P: people to people. Social media is about consistently sharing valuable, timely, relevant content with the right audience, engaging with your networks, and fostering relationships. By blending a solid content calendar with a strategic promotional calendar and having an excellent community manager(s), SMBs should be better able to capitalize on social media marketing.

Aaron Wall

I rarely see social media as a sales tool. I see it as an amplification tool to help spread stories that were likely going to spread anyhow, but few sales will come directly from it. There is the occasional news story about some business that did well with it, but that is often just an exception that proves the rule. Social media is more about awareness than sales. Of course awareness is a step in the sales process, but it is just one step of many.

Sales are often cannibalistic toward brand premiums, because people can come to expect them.

One of the best ways to do social media is to offer some ?research? about that social media channel?people love to talk about themselves. ;) That might not drive sales?but it will at least gain some awareness.

Aaron Wall is an SEO expert and the founder of SEOBook, a site offers marketing tips, search analysis, online business tips, and general commentary on the evolution of the web from an algorithmic, publishing & business model perspective.

Paul Gillin

Pick your spots and start by doing one thing well. For many B2B companies, blogs are the killer app because of their long-tail search performance. Or perhaps a vigorous LinkedIn campaign is the ticket to create awareness of your expertise in specific markets. Whatever you do, don?t try to boil the ocean. Master one tool before moving on to others. Don?t spread yourself too thin.

Beth Goldstein

It?s impossible to generally state that there?s one best strategy for using social media as a B2B sales tool. It all clearly depends on your audience and how they prefer to communicate with you. YouTube might be great for some businesses who need to demonstrate their product in use and for others a LinkedIn presence might be more logical to establish credibility. I caution businesses in taking a one-size-fits-all strategy since identifying your customers? needs, interests and how they access value from you must be the cornerstone of developing your entire marketing strategy ? whether that?s social media or more traditional outreach and communication methods.

Toby Bloomberg

To have a strategy! I caution your community not to jump into any social media initiative until they understand:
1. Why they are using the tool (goals).
2. Who they want to engage with (audience)
3. What they?ll talk about (content direction) and
4. The identifying the extent of resources they can dedicate (time, people, technology, dollars).

Toby Bloomberg consults, speaks and trains on how to combine social media with branding, marketing and other customer touch points to build relationships. Her blog Diva Marketing is a Forbes Pick of Best Women Blogs on Marketing & Social Media. She is the author of Social Media Marketing GPS. Connect with her on @tobydiva.

Tamar Weinberg

I?m not sure I can offer a ?strategy,? but it?s always important to go where your audience is and get to know the people behind those businesses. This is about making personal connections with each business.

Tamar Weinberg is a social media enthusiast with a passion for all things tech and productivity. She provides consulting in internet marketing and manages Community Support & Advertising at Mashable. Tamar is also the author of The New Community Rules

Paul Colligan

Be on on the social networks that your customers are on. Don?t expect them to come to you. You must go to them.

Paul Colligan helps busy people leverage new media to get their message out to more people, with less effort, and for greater profit. He is CEO of, Education Czar for Traffic Geyser Inc., and Executive Producer for



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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Discover How to Use Video Marketing For Your ? ? Three ...

In the event that you?re not supplementing your Internet marketing campaign with video marketing, you?re deliberately ignoring a lot of profit that can be made on your part. In order to attract high quality, targeted traffic to your website on a budget you?ll definitely want to make use of video marketing. The most successful internet marketers have already been perfecting this advertising method to make the profits of their online businesses soar, and you can too! The article that follows will talk about how to effectively begin an internet marketing campaign and to reap long term benefits for your business.

Welbeck Group
Create a Full Blown Video Sales Page

Many marketers underestimate the power of Twitter but what it can do for you is unquestionable. Twitter is a very easy way to attract the targeted traffic you need, you can use it to network with all the right people. If you have videos and put them on your Twitter, you?ll immediately gain a higher level of exposure, as well as more conversions. It?s almost like putting your videos on steroids. When you want to make your business grow, the viral nature of video through Twitter is something you absolutely cannot ignore. When a person on Twitter sees an interesting tweet they can ?retweet? it, which means they can spread your videos to an ever wider audience, which will then in turn spread them even further. All this does is prove that your video marketing can reach unprecedented heights when social networking is thrown in the mix.

Understand the Market You Deal In

Publishing videos on different sites is a great way to increase traffic to you site. You just want to make sure you go about it in the right way. Every minute of every day sees millions of new videos uploaded to the Internet. Therefore, you have to finish the video with a call to action, so you can make it work for you. Television and online videos are treated the same way by people; therefore, you have to get their attention within the first few seconds. So if you place your website URL only at one place, when the video ends, the viewer might not catch it. Try to intersperse it throughout your video; you might even just be able to embed it at the bottom of the video throughout, so they see it. The best way to do this is to have the URL pop up every 5 ? 10 seconds before it fades off. Also, how long your video is will largely determine the number of times your URL is displayed to your customer. Try to figure out your ideal numbers for that. And yes, don?t forget to bold your call to action, it pays.

Not only is internet video marketing effective but it can be a crucial part of setting your business apart. If you?ve never considered making internet video marketing part of your business? campaigns you don?t know how much potential traffic you?re losing every day. Video sharing is widely popular on the internet and sites such as Youtube have huge audiences just waiting to be tapped into, people not only use these videos as entertainment but as a way to influence their own purchasing decisions. Start on the journey of video marketing so you can improve your business through one of the most rapidly growing marketing tools available on the internet.

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PC Runs Amuk; New NYC Test Policy Bans Many Common Concepts

Getty Images

What do dinosaurs, birthdays, and poverty have in common?

They?re just three examples from a list of common concepts and/or words barred from standardized testing in the New York City Department of Education. References to dinosaurs may prove offensive to those who do not accept evolution, while birthdays are excluded because Jehovah?s Witnesses do not celebrate them. Poverty gets the boot because words that imply wealth, or, well poverty, may cause some students to feel excluded.

Other excluded ideas include ?divorce? and ?disease?, sparing students who may have family going through those situations.

School officials say they are only trying to show sensitivity to a diverse school population. But some education commentators say the ban may do more harm than good. Core Knowledge Foundation spokesperson Robert Pondiscio notes that the ban on common ideas and words means that students no longer can draw on life experiences when taking tests.

Of course, no one wants to offend any individual or group, especially during the education process. But I?ve always thought one of the strengths of schools was that students were forced to interact with a variety of people, who may or may not believe the same things they did.

Is the new New York City policy over the top? Or should individual identity be respected, no matter what? Jump in with an opinion, here or on our Facebook page.



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Web Design Consultants for Internet businesses :: Multiverso ...

In this particular guide, I?m going to list just a few of the most important added advantages of utilizing web style on your site. Professionalism. Considered one the most clear benefits of having web layout done for your online site, is that you will undoubtedly be thought of as a professional person and an individual to be considered seriously. If you should have a particular off-line enterprise, that has a web site, you want it to seem to be very specialized and clean making sure that your leads, clients, will take you seriously when ordering your service plans, or product or service. It simply is a must-have, if you take the business enterprise very seriously.

Web design is known to be very expensive, perhaps Traditionally, it can finish up costing you quite a good bit of cash. However ,, with the advent of word press, web style can frequently be done for so much more affordable than predicted.

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Search marketing. Everyone believes that obtaining your web presence rank highly in Google, is a rather essential part of obtaining new consumers. web site design and Internet marketing, often go hand-in- hand.

A decent web design, may also know how one can boost a business site for google search requirements, to make certain you can appeal to natural website visitors coming from the Google or other searchengines like yahoo. A bit more visitors equals a great deal more income, that means that the more regular people which you have coming to your business site the greater cash you?ll be able to produce.

Precisely what can it take to learn web style? Generally, web designers will have either a formal schooling grade in On-line design, or they may have studied it independantly with the help of internet based videos.

Typically, you?re going to have to have a good comprehension of the way HTML and also CSS coding operates.

These skill-sets will be called upon to give you the chance to manage or change font, specifications, shades, and any other modification needs you might have.

Most high-quality web design businesses will posses a diverse mix of capabilities and software applications that will help help that company achieve what you?re interested in. For instance, nearly all will posses Photoshop suite, or perhaps a good image crop software tool, and they?ll have expertise of uploading files via FTP.

You could find web style experts in a lot of sites on the Internet, for example , forums, classifieds ads, or thru their very own websites, so there really is no excuse to not identify one and have the top deal. I?m hoping you loved this useful and informative article on web design.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Mailbag: Let's hold off on the Pineda panic

Don't worry about Yankee's velocity, understand he's young and developing

Image: PinedaReuters

Much of the talk over Michael Pineda's lost velocity is unwarranted.


By Tony DeMarco contributor

updated 7:35 p.m. ET March 27, 2012

Tony DeMarco

Baseball Expert Tony DeMarco has been covering the big leagues since 1987, and been casting Hall of Fame ballots for the last 14 years. He answers questions weekly here:

Q: Much has been made of the lack of zip on Michael Pineda's fastball this spring. Is there a real reason to be concerned?
? Stan Marshall, Indianapolis

A: I think it's too early to tell. Pineda's first problem this spring was reporting to camp about 20 pounds heavier than he finished last season. So he was behind conditioning-wise, and it's taken time for him to catch up. That undoubtedly cost him several miles per hour in his early-spring outings.

But Pineda's fastball velocity has been picking up as the spring has unfolded, and that's a pretty typical thing. In his last start on Sunday, Pineda reached 93-94 mph, and while that's still a few mph's down from where he was at last season, it can be good enough.

So let's see where he's at in April and May before determining if this is a longer-range concern. My guess is he'll be in the 95-96-mph range by then.

A couple of things about fastball velocity: While it can be what separates a dominant No. 1 starter (think CC Sabathia, Justin Verlander) from a middle-of-the-rotation type, it's far from the determining factor in a pitcher's success.

Tim Lincecum is a great example of a pitcher who doesn't throw as hard as he used to, as he's gone from 95-plus pretty regularly to sitting between 90-94, and dialing it up higher on occasion. In these cases, command of secondary pitches takes on more importance, and Lincecum obviously has made that adjustment.

In Pineda's case, he also possesses one of the game's better sliders, so that gives him two plus pitches. A key will be developing a better off-speed pitch ? in his case, a change-up ? that will make his fastball that much more effective.

What everybody needs to keep in mind here is that Pineda is only 23, has 171 innings of big-league experience, and still is in the learning and developmental stage, so there are going to be rough spots in his development.

He does need to cut down on his pitch counts, but ought to be able to increase his innings total to around 200 this season. It's also a safe assumption that he will allow more hits per inning than the sparkling 7.0 total (133 hits in 171 innings) he posted last season.

But given the increased run support he'll receive, winning 13-15 games with an ERA in the 3.50-3.80 range is a reasonable projection. And who wouldn't take that season from a 23-year-old with upside potential?

Q: What do you think of reports of a rift between Bobby Valentine and Ben Cherington? Was this inevitable, or is it all a bunch of nonsense?
? Gary Woodson, Boston

A: Valentine already has shot down that Boston Globe story, calling it, 'lazy journalism'. And at least one of the issues supposedly in play has been resolved (at least temporarily), with Jose Iglesias being sent to Triple-A, giving the shortstop job to Mike Aviles.

So I have to think 'rift' was too strong a word. You could go through all 30 big-league organizations and find differences of opinions on their own players. It's part of the evaluation process that goes on every spring ? all throughout a season, really.

In the case of Daniel Bard's conversion to the rotation, there are legitimate points to both sides of the argument about where he's needed most, as well as legitimate differences of opinion about how Bard's stuff translates to the rotation.

Nobody really knows for sure, and my guess is that since this was a major part of the Red Sox's off-season planning, Bard will at least get the opportunity to make the reliever-to-starter conversion.

There also can be inherently different objectives for general managers and managers ? and that's not a bad thing. While everybody is trying to win at the big-league level, a general manager has overall organization concerns.

That can put him at odds with a manager who wants a young player such as Iglesias immediately at the big-league level, while the general manager believes the long-term organization needs would be better served if that player gets more minor-league seasoning.

So while Valentine did have issues with GMs Steve Phillips and Tom Grieve in his previous big-league managing jobs, let's not go there quite yet.

Q: With the recent news around the Mets' financial scandal, do you think they can turn things around more quickly than we first thought?
? Jasmine Olson, New York

A: While the Mets are gaining some certainty in their financial situation, it's still far from ideal. The recent developments have insured that the Wilpon family will be able to retain majority ownership of the club, but don't look for them to do any major free-agent spending again for awhile.

In fact, I think they're looking at the same type of payroll for the next few seasons ? and in case you missed it, they were forced to slash about $50 million from their 2011 payroll to around $90 million this season.

The current problem is too much of their payroll is sunk into three players ? Johan Santana, Jason Bay and David Wright ? and it's likely to stay that way for two more seasons.

Santana is owed just under $50 million for the next two years plus a $5.5-million buyout in 2014. Bay has $32 million remaining on his deal plus a $3-million buyout in 2014. Wright is in the last guaranteed year at $15 million, but look for the club to pick up a $16-million option in 2013, and likely extend him.

But as Sandy Alderson recently said, the best solution is to build a strong core of young players coming through the system, and there is potential for that to happen. But Matt Harvey and other top prospects need to reach the big leagues and succeed, and the Mets also need to generate increased advertising and ballpark revenues. Time and patience still is required, Mets fans.

? 2012 NBC Reprints


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Source: Killer didn't send French attacks video

PARIS (AP) ? A video apparently showing a Muslim gunman's attacks on soldiers and a Jewish school was sent to the Al-Jazeera television network but not by him, French police said Tuesday, raising the specter of a possible accomplice.

Al-Jazeera on Tuesday decided not to air a video that seems to have been filmed from the killer's point of view and includes the cries of his victims. The decision came after President Nicolas Sarkozy asked them not to broadcast it.

A French official close to the investigation said it was not sent by Mohamed Merah, a 23-year-old Frenchman who was killed in a shootout Thursday after a 32-hour standoff with police at his apartment building in Toulouse.

Another official said the envelope sent to Al-Jazeera contained a Wednesday postmark from a large postal processing center for the area around Toulouse, meaning it was unclear exactly where it was mailed from. He could not say anything about who may have sent the video.

The first official said a technical analysis had concluded that it was not sent by Merah but did not indicate whether that analysis included fingerprints, DNA, surveillance or other data.

Merah was surrounded in his apartment since a pre-dawn police raid Wednesday. Police did not elaborate on why they think he did not put the package into the mail before then.

Prosecutors have said that Merah filmed all of his attacks, which began March 11 with the murder of a French soldier. Before the spree ended, two more soldiers and three Jewish children and a rabbi were killed, while another student and another paratrooper were wounded.

Police said Merah claimed the attacks and had told them he had links to al-Qaida, traveled to Afghanistan and received weapons training in the militant Pakistani tribal region of Waziristan.

Sarkozy has called the attacks isolated acts of violence, the work of a "lone wolf" ? but investigators have questioned some of Merah's claims and say they are open to the possibility of accomplices.

Preliminary charges for complicity in murder and terrorism have been filed against Merah's older brother, Abdelkader, though no evidence has emerged that he took part directly in the shooting.

It was not clear if Abdelkader could have sent the video. Police first detained him as they carried out Wednesday's early raid.

The two officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the case.

"What we know is that it (the video) was reassembled. Things were added in. We don't know if the full sequence was in it. But it was not just the video as it was filmed. There was an editing process and additions made," the first official said.

Zied Tarrouche, Al-Jazeera's Paris bureau chief, said the video had clearly been edited, with religious songs and recitations of Quranic verses laid over the footage.

The footage appeared to have been taken from the point of view of the killer, perhaps from a camera hung around his neck, according Tarrouche, who described the video to BFM television station. He said they were a bit shaky but of a high technical quality.

"You can hear gunshots at the moment of the killings. You can hear the voice of this person who has committed these assassinations. You can hear also the cries of the victims, and the voices were distorted," Tarrouche said.

The footage was contained on a USB key sent with a letter to the Paris office of the Qatar-based television company, Tarrouche said. The letter, written in poor French with spelling and grammar errors, claimed the shootings were carried out in the name of al-Qaida. The second official said it was hand written in all capital letters.

The channel said the video was received from an anonymous source on Monday and immediately passed it on to French police. It decided not to show the images.

"In accordance with Al Jazeera's Code of Ethics, given the video does not add any information that is not already in the public domain, its news channels will not be broadcasting any of its contents," the broadcaster said in a statement.

Al-Jazeera said it had received many requests by media to look at the video but it would deny all of them.

That decision came after Sarkozy, other French officials and family members of the victims had asked that it not be broadcast.

"I ask the managers of all television stations that might have these images not to broadcast them in any circumstances, out of respect for the victims ? out of respect for the Republic," Sarkozy said Tuesday.

Tarrouche said the Paris prosecutor, whose office is leading the investigation, had also called to explain the consequences of disseminating the images. But Tarrouche said the prosecutor said he would not prohibit the channel from "doing its work as journalists."

Al-Jazeera was frequently used early in the Iraq and Afghan wars as a conduit for militants, including Osama bin Laden, to distribute taped statements. As the Iraq war progressed, many of these tapes included gruesome killings and beheadings of Western or foreign hostages, although the station edited out some of the grisliest scenes at the moment of death.

The broadcasts drew outrage, especially from the U.S. government. Over time, most militant groups opted instead for posting such videos on their own websites, where they were not subject to outside editing.

Meanwhile, Merah's father, who was estranged from his son and lives in Algeria, has reportedly said he wants to file a complaint for Mohamed's death. In his address, Sarkozy expressed outrage at that idea.

Sarkozy, in the middle of a tough re-election campaign, has announced a raft of new measures aimed at preventing the spread and incubation of radical ideas, including penalizing those who regularly consult websites that promote jihad.

On Tuesday, he said wanted to speed up the process of expelling radicals from France as well as prevent them from ever entering.

"Extremists are playing with our administrative formalities. Our job is to be more efficient," he said. "Preachers who continually target our system can stay where they are. We don't want them on the soil of the French Republic."

Meanwhile, another brother, Abdelghani, told a religious representative that the family wants Mohamed Merah's body to be buried in Algeria.

The funeral home was to make the request Tuesday with the Algerian consulate, and the body would be transferred Thursday if the authorization is granted, Abdallah Zekri, a representative of the Paris Mosque in charge of Toulouse.

Abdelghani Merah initially wanted the body buried in France, but insisted he would not attend any funeral of his younger brother, "who he considers a monster," according to Zekri.

Ultimately the brother gave in to his mother's wishes, Zekri said.


Associated Press writer Sylvie Corbet in Paris contributed to this story.


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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

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[ [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 16]], '', '[RELATED:?It?s going to be a circus?: Activists begin protests outside Supreme Court]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 8]], '', '[RELATED: Obama?s health care law passed 2 years ago, but where are we now?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 12]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '450', ' ', 'Reuters/Jonathan Ernst', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]


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Friday, March 23, 2012

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Icy Saturn moon ?may be active?

Nasa's Cassini spacecraft has spied possible signs of geological activity on Saturn's icy moon Dione.

It sees features that resemble hot fissures and indications of a possible ice volcano on the satellite.

The fissures look remarkably similar to the "tiger stripes" found on Saturn's moon Enceladus, which spew powerful jets of water into space.

On Dione these features may now be idle, but other lines of evidence suggest some activity is ongoing.

The new findings suggest this saturnian moon could be a more dynamic place than was previously supposed.

Dr Bonnie J Buratti, from Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, presented the results at the 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) in The Woodlands, Texas.

The case for activity on Dione relies on several different lines of evidence.

Previous observations of Saturn's magnetic field have picked up a stream of charged particles originating from Dione's surface. In addition, scientists announced earlier this month that they had detected a thin oxygen atmosphere around the moon.

But the most obvious evidence, the JPL researcher explained, was to be found in the moon's surface features. For example, one large region in Dione's leading hemisphere is relatively free of impact craters.

Continue reading the main story

?Start Quote

We haven't detected obvious jets, like we have at Enceladus. But we're still looking?

End Quote Dr Linda Spilker Jet Propoulsion Laboratory

Either material flowed into these craters, filling them in, or they were covered over by debris from an eruption. A clue comes from the identification of an apparent cryovolcano in this flat region of Dione.

Cryovolcanoes have so far been found on Enceladus, Neptune's moon Triton, and - debatably - on Saturn's moon Titan. They erupt water-ammonia or methane instead of molten rock.

"We also see what I like to call a 'palaeo-tiger stripe', both on Tethys (another Saturnian moon) and Dione. It looks like a fossilised tiger stripe," Dr Buratti said.

Images from Cassini also reveal the presence of "rampart craters" on Dione, which result when a space rock slams into soft material. The could suggest the ice beneath the surface is warmer than usual.

Heat search

During the question and answer session following Dr Buratti's talk, John Spencer from the South West Research Institute, revealed that Cassini's CIRS instrument had been searching for heat emission from the moon, but had so far failed to find any.

Dr Buratti agreed that evidence of hotspots would provide a "smoking gun" in the case for geological activity on Dione.

Linda Spilker, project scientist on the Cassini mission, explained that if there was any activity at Dione, it would be at a lower level than on Enceladus.

"We haven't detected obvious jets, like we have at Enceladus. But we're still looking," Dr Spilker, who is also based at JPL, told BBC News.

Prof William McKinnon, from Washington University in St Louis, commented: "I suspect that not a lot is going on on Dione right now."

But he said things could have been different in the past, adding: "There's clearly been resurfacing... we know something happened."

The discovery of geysers on Enceladus, which are supplied with liquid water by a sub-surface ocean, has been one of the science highlights of Cassini's mission.

It moves around Saturn in a distorted, oval-shaped orbit rather than a circular one. This causes Enceladus to be pulled and squeezed by Saturn's gravity, inducing the heat that enables geological activity. and follow me on Twitter


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Monday, March 19, 2012

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