Saturday, December 31, 2011

Republicans battle over undecided voters in Iowa

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney arrives at a campaign stop at the Music Man Square in Mason City, Iowa Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney arrives at a campaign stop at the Music Man Square in Mason City, Iowa Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Republican presidential candidate former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum speaks during a campaign stop at the Coralville City Hall, Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011, in Coralville, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Republican presidential candidate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry greets local residents during a campaign stop at the Blue Strawberry Coffee Company, Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Republican presidential candidate, former House speaker Newt Gingrich speaks during a campaign stop, Thursday, Dec. 29, 2011, in Storm Lake, Iowa. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

(AP) ? With time running short, Republican presidential candidates Rick Santorum, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich battled Thursday to win over a pivotal crop of undecided conservative voters. Of all the candidates, only Mitt Romney seemed to largely escape attack as he worked to win a state that long seemed out of reach until this week.

"Don't settle for what's not good enough to save the country," the newly ascendant Santorum implored Iowans at city hall in Coralville, urging voters to put conservative principles above everything else and suggesting that his rivals, and specifically Ron Paul, lacked them.

For the first time, though, the former Pennsylvania senator became a target.

"When he talks about fiscal conservatism, every now and then it leaves me scratching my head because he was a prolific earmarker," Perry, the Texas governor, said of Santorum as the day began, referring to special spending projects members of Congress seek. "He loaded up his bill with Pennsylvania pork.'"

Santorum defended the practice as part of lawmakers' constitutional role as appropriators, telling CNBC that he owed it to Pennsylvanians to bring money to the state. He said earmarking became abused and that he would support a ban on them if he were president.

Perry also slapped at Santorum in a radio ad and in a new TV commercial that lumps him in with Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Paul and says: "The fox guarding the henhouse is like asking a congressman to fix Washington: bad idea."

The maneuvering underscored the fluid ? if not convoluted ? state of the GOP presidential race as Tuesday's caucuses loom while cultural conservatives and evangelical Republicans, who make up the base of the electorate here, continue to be divided. That lack of unity paves the way for someone who is seen as less consistently conservative.

Five days out, public and private polling show Romney and Paul in strong contention to win the caucuses, with coalitions of support cobbled together from across the Republican political spectrum and their get-out-the-vote operations ? beefed up from their failed 2008 bids ? at the ready. They're the only two with the money and the organizations necessary to ensure big turnouts on Tuesday.

Three others ? Santorum, Perry and Gingrich ? will have to rely largely on momentum to carry supporters to precinct caucuses. Each was working to convince fickle conservatives that he alone would satisfy those who yearn for a nominee who would adhere strictly to GOP orthodoxy.

Bachmann, meanwhile, worked to convince backers that her cash-strapped campaign was not in disarray after a top supporter in Iowa abandoned her to back Paul.

After state Sen. Kent Sorenson bolted as her Iowa campaign chairman, Bachmann continued to bleed staff, losing her Iowa political director, Wes Enos, on Thursday. Some evangelical pastors have said they've urged her to quit the race.

Bachmann condemned Sorenson for quitting, and defiantly vowed to continue in the race.

"Iowans aren't told who to vote for. Iowans are independent and they're going to make their decisions," Bachmann said in Des Moines, on the last day of a 10-day tour of Iowa's 99 counties.

Ads, mostly negative, flooded television and radio. They filled mailboxes, too.

No less than five new TV ads were rolled out Thursday, with Romney, for one, releasing a 60-second, optimistic commercial promoting his vision for America and illustrating his confidence with his standing in the primary race. He was staying far from the fray and looking toward the general election.

"In the campaign to come, the American ideals of economic freedom and opportunity need a clear and unapologetic defense. And I intend to make it because I have lived it," Romney says in the commercial that includes patriotic images and scenes from his June campaign announcement in New Hampshire.

He's in the midst of a four-day trek that he hopes will seal victory here and give him momentum heading into the Jan. 10 New Hampshire primary, the closest thing to a must-win state for the former Massachusetts governor.

On the second day of his bus tour, Romney turned out big crowds at stops in northern and eastern Iowa, focusing on more populous areas and counties he won four years ago.

"We have a choice in this coming election of what kind of America we're going to have," Romney said at J's Home Cooking in Cedar Falls, before meeting a crowd of 500 in Mason City. "It's not just about replacing a president. It's about saving the soul of America."

He didn't acknowledge his rivals but an outside group aligned with him rolled out a new ad against Gingrich that asks, "Haven't we had enough mistakes?" and notes the former House speaker's past admissions of judgment lapses.

As Romney sailed above it all, the fight raged among his rivals elsewhere in the state, where all six candidates competing in the caucuses are spending almost all their time for the next five days.

Looking to capitalize on his burst of support in new polls, Santorum made a play for tea party backers lining up behind Paul by arguing that the Texas congressman is longer on promising sweeping change than enacting it. "The guy has passed one bill in 20 years. What makes you think he can do any of these things?" Santorum said.

He added: "We need someone who has the bold, sharp contrast not just to win the election but govern the country, not somebody who is just a little better."

And, Bachmann castigated Paul's opposition to military intervention in Iran as "dangerous." She also suggested that his opposition to the federal war on drugs amounted to supporting the legalization of cocaine and heroin.

Perry focused his criticism on all the others on the right, saying: "There are other conservatives in this contest. I readily agree. But their records don't always square with the rhetoric." And, as he argued that he was the only true outsider in the race, Perry noted that four of his rivals ? Gingrich, Paul, Santorum and Bachmann ? have a combined 63 years of experience in Washington.

"I am asking you to vote your conservative values," Perry implored.

The closest anyone got to criticizing Romney directly was when Perry was asked in Cedar Rapids about family dynasties and cited, among other families, the Romneys.

In response, Perry mentioned his own modest upbringing and said: "I'm glad you gave me the opportunity to reflect my differences with Mitt."

The worst Romney faced from his rivals were veiled shots.

Santorum said Republicans must draw a clear contrast with Obama, rather than nominate a Republican with moderate tendencies out of political expedience.

"We need someone who has the bold, sharp contrasts, not just to win the election but to govern the country. Not just someone who is a little bit better," Santorum told supporters.

Perry was asked about family dynasties and the questioner cited, among other families, the Romneys. Perry stopped short of criticizing Romney's privileged upbringing. He mentioned his own humble beginning in small-town Texas before adding: "I'm glad you gave me the opportunity to reflect my differences with Mitt."

Gingrich, for his part, spent the day trying to wrap himself in President Ronald Reagan's cloak, announcing the backing of the late president's son, Michael, and, a day earlier, support from Reagan economic adviser Arthur Laffer.

Even as the polls show him sliding, Gingrich projected an upbeat image.

"The strategy of focusing on jobs and economic growth, staying positive and being pretty relentless in answering questions at every meeting is working," he insisted.


Associated Press writers Philip Elliott, Mike Glover, Kasie Hunt, Brian Bakst and Shannon McCaffrey contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Giants putting up a good front

Tuck, Pierre-Paul and Umenyiora help New York compensate for its myriad failings

Image: Tuck sacks RodgersGetty Images

Giants defensive end Justin Tuck sacks Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers on Dec. 4.


updated 3:05 p.m. ET Dec. 28, 2011

Mike Tanier

The Giants' front four is their great equalizer.

Eli Manning can go from elite to inept and back again, but if the front four is playing well, the Giants can win. The wide receivers can play hacky-sack with the football, and the running backs can battle injuries and mood swings, but if the front four is playing well, the Giants can win. The rest of the defense can be lined up at the MRI machine, but if the front four ? you get the idea.

Justin Tuck. Jason Pierre-Paul. Injured Osi Umenyiora. Interior linemen and role players Chris Canty, Dave Tollefson, Linval Joseph. Honorary lineman Mathias Kiwanuka. There are more than four of them, and they don?t always line up as a foursome, as the diagrams to come will show.

But we think of them as the Giants front four, and not only have they accounted for 40 of the team?s 42 sacks, but they have compensated for injuries at other positions by dropping into coverage and acting as decoy defenders.

In a season of injuries and uncertainty, the Giants linemen have a good chance to drag their not-always-cooperative teammates into the playoffs.

The Sacking Wounded
Every team must deal with injuries, but few teams in history have had to deal with the number of injuries the Giants suffered on defense this year.

At Football Outsiders, we use a metric called Adjusted Games Lost (AGL) to determine how severe a team?s injury situation has been. AGL separates starters and key reserves from subs, so an injury to Umenyiora or another starter gets more weight than one to some seldom-used backup.

It also accounts for weeks when a player is listed as ?questionable? or ?probable? but still takes the field, so when someone like Tuck shakes off a toe injury and takes the field in a limited role, it counts as a partial injury.

AGL is a great argument settler, because it takes conversations past the ?who cares about your whole linebacker corps, we lost our punt returner? stage.

The Giants are on pace to finish the season with the third-highest defensive AGL of the last decade, behind only the 2008 Lions (who went 0-16) and the 2009 Bills (who went 6-10 and got their coach fired). Through Week 14, they lost the equivalent of 58.9 games by starters to injuries. That means the Giants go into the average game missing four defensive starters and key reserves.

They have entered some games in far worse shape. Cornerback Corey Webster and safety Antrel Rolle are the only defenders to start all 15 games. The Giants lost top cornerback Terrell Thomas to an ACL injury in the middle of training camp. The mix-and-match job at linebacker has forced special teams ace Chase Blackburn to start a handful of games, and undrafted rookie Mark Herzlich climbed all the way to the starting middle linebacker job before suffering an injury of his own.

The front four has been hit as hard as any other unit. Rookie tackle Marvin Austin was lost in training camp. Tuck and Umenyiora have only taken a handful of snaps together. The front four has been able to maintain its high standard of play because Perry Fewell has found creative ways to use his best players, creating confusion and applying pass pressure without resorting to rampant blitzing.

Masters of disguise
Let?s look at how Pierre-Paul and Tuck can create havoc without going near the quarterback. Figure 1 (right) shows the Giants on third down, near midfield, late in the first quarter against the Jets in their game Saturday.

The Giants start with Jason Pierre-Paul (90), Dave Tollefson (71), Chris Canty (99), and Justin Tuck (91) on the defensive line, with Michael Boley (59) and Jacquian Williams (57) at linebacker. There is nothing unusual about this defensive front ? yet.

Those squiggly lines on the diagram mean the Giants will start shifting in an attempt to create chaos among the Jets pass protectors.

Figure 2 (left) shows where the Giants end up after all that shifting. Boley and Williams are now defensive ends. Tuck is right over the center, leaning back and forth, threatening the A-gap. Pierre-Paul is just beside Tuck. The two pass rushers appear poised to execute a double A-gap blitz, sometimes called a Fire or Fire-X blitz.

That?s a lot of pass-rushing beef stacked up in the middle, and when the television camera closes up on Mark Sanchez, he has ?that look? in his eyes as he calls out some adjustments.

Tuck and Pierre-Paul do not blitz. They drop into zone coverage when the ball is snapped. But Sanchez and the Jets cannot take a chance. They pinch their protection, meaning that left tackle D?Brickashaw Ferguson blocks Canty so the interior linemen are available to stop Tuck and Pierre-Paul.

That leaves Boley unblocked, and he gets into the backfield in a hurry. Sanchez rushes his pass before tight end Dustin Keller can turn to look for it, and the ball bounces off his helmet.

Officially, this play is not even a blitz: the Giants rushed just four defenders. Tuck and Pierre-Paul created pressure, not as rushers, but as decoys. A defensive call like this allows the Giants to rattle the opposing quarterback while still keeping seven defenders back in pass protection.

Tucked into coverage
You may be looking at those diagrams and thinking: ?boy, using Tuck in zone coverage is a crazy idea.? It is so crazy it has worked throughout the season when Tuck has been healthy. In fact, Tuck dropped into coverage numerous times against the Packers, causing confusion that led to the rushed throws and sacks to keep the Giants in the game against the league?s toughest offense.

Figure 3 (right) shows the Giants trailing 28-27 midway through the fourth quarter. It is first and 10, and with the Packers in a spread formation (the player in the backfield is actually receiver Randall Cobb), the Giants counter with a three-man front.

Kiwanuka (94), nominally a linebacker, is at right end, while Tuck is one yard behind the line of scrimmage, standing up, and threatening the A-Gap. This is the middle of a long, late-game drive, so Pierre-Paul and Joseph are getting a breather.

The Giants hope to create pressure using backup personnel and Tuck as a decoy, but it is a dangerous gambit: on paper, Tuck against tight end Jermichael Finley (88) is a big mismatch.

Tuck drops into coverage at the snap, but his presence in the middle has the exact same effect it had against the Jets. The center and left guard double-team Canty, while the right guard stands and waits to make sure Tuck does not blitz. That wastes three blockers on one player, creating one-on-one matchups for Tollefson and Kiwanuka.

Tollefson, who has been subbing along the Giants line since the 2007 Super Bowl season, is facing an inexperienced right tackle. He has no trouble turning the corner, and with Kiwanuka collapsing the other side, Tollefson makes an important sack.

The most interesting thing about the play in Figure 3 is Finley?s response to Tuck. Finley is supposed to run a quick hitch in the middle of the field, but when he sees Tuck, he appears to get flummoxed. Finley collides with Tuck, then jostles with him as he tries to provide Rodgers with a target. Finley is Rodgers? second option on this pass, but because the tight end does not anticipate Tuck?s presence, Rodgers has nowhere to throw and must eat the football.

If Fewell had a healthy stable of linebackers, he probably would not send Tuck, Pierre-Paul, and others into zone coverage quite so much. But by using his best players as all-purpose threats, Fewell is creating the illusion that the Giants have more manpower than they actually posess.

It?s a smoke-and-mirrors game, but Tuck?s experience, Pierre-Paul?s uncanny athleticism, and Fewell?s creativity make it viable. And if the Giants can create pressure when Pierre-Paul is resting and Tuck is dropping, imagine what can happen when everyone is doing what they do best.

Healing up
The Giants are not as banged up as they were a few weeks ago. Boley is back after missing a few games with a hamstring injury. Rookie Prince Amukamara has returned from a foot injury to provide some depth in the secondary. Tuck?s toe does not appear to be bothering him. Umenyiora even plans to test his injured ankle this week, though that sounds more like a tease than a ray of hope.

Tom Coughlin?s leg is healing after a sideline collision, and you know the injury report has gotten out of control when the coach is on it.

The Giants recorded three sacks the last time they faced the Cowboys, one of them by Pierre-Paul for a safety. Pierre-Paul later blocked what would have been a game-tying field goal.

If the Giants had not beaten the Cowboys in that game, we would not be writing about them now. That win halted a four-game losing streak and made this week?s do-or-die game possible.

It came on a night when the Giants secondary could not stop anyone, running back Ahmad Bradshaw was suspended for the first half, and Manning was scattershot until midway through the fourth quarter.

The Giants beat the Cowboys because Pierre-Paul, Tuck, and the front four gave them a chance, and that chance is now a chance to reach the playoffs. For the Giants, that?s the way it always goes.

Mike Tanier writes for and and is a senior writer for Football Outsiders.



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Video: Median net worth of Congress members up 15 percent

While most Americans have gotten poorer in the last few years, a new study finds that members of Congress have done quite well. Since 2004, the median net worth of members of Congress is up 15 percent, while the median net worth for all Americans is down 8 percent. NBC?s Lisa Myers reports.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Diana Meyer submitted this photo of a mountain pond as part of the newspaper?s Your Community Snapsh

Diana Meyer submitted this photo of a mountain pond as part of the newspaper?s Your Community Snapshots photo submission series. Submit your favorite photos ? of any subject matter ? to Your Community Snapshots by bringing your submission to the newspaper office at 466 Yampa Ave., or submitting online at Be sure to include caption information.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Guest Viewpoint: Good choices can conserve energy now

Guest Viewpoint: Good choices can conserve energy now

We are in a time when it is takes much more energy to extract fossil fuel (for example, tar sands and shale gas) than in the past, which means less net energy is being produced. Emerging,

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Small business remains critical to the economy with the progress and success of entrepreneurs still a keenly watched metric. With the ongoing economic recovery and health of the current economy at stake, the health of small businesses will remain important for the foreseeable future. How is your business doing in the current economic climate?


?Small business is the backbone of the American economy?. Not that most small business owners don?t already know this, but this is just one theme among others like the concept of cloud computing coming into its own, trending for the new year according to this report. See what else is in store for 2012. USA Today

Why are African-American small business owners more optimistic than others? Statistics on this demographic, discussed here, also show that these small business owners are more likely to increase benefits for their employees this year, in spite of the adverse affects of the economy. Find out what?s responsible for this difference in outlook. BET

Events & Resources

Small business soirees you don?t want to miss! From small business summits to marketing symposiums to festivals of all kinds entrepreneurial and more, here?s a roundup of spectacular events for anyone wanting to grow their business. Small Business Trends

Down to earth insights from small business experts. In this video series, the first three of twelve experts share their advice for your 2012 small business makeover. Not for the faint of heart, these videos include tips for radical changes in your business for increased success in the new year. Smallbiz Technology

Trends & Issues

A little something on the side. In this case, it?s the new business you want to start while working for your current employer. But what are the ethics and etiquette surrounding this situation? Do employers have the right to know what you?re doing on the side, or even have a say whether or not you can start a side business? Associate professor of business administration at the University of Virginia?s Darden School of Business Gregory Fairchild weighs in on the topic. Entrepreneur

?Cash mobs? turn the buy-local philosophy into an organized pastime via social media. See how this shopping and social media phenomenon draws customers together for a common cause that could be your small business?s bottom line. The Wall Street Journal


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

SOE Community Official SOE Podcast #123 is Live!

Happy Holidays and Limited Customer Support

seasons greetings desktop


Everyone here at Sony Online Entertainment wishes you a very magical holiday no matter what you celebrate at this time of year.

To help get you in the festive mood, Community Relations has a holiday podcast and wallpaper to share! Listen to the Ho-Ho-Cast 2011, and then decorate your desktop with this festive Holiday Wallpaper.

Wallpaper Sizes: 800 x 600 | 1025 x 768 | 1280 x 1024 | 1680 x 1050

In honor of the coming holidays, we will be offering limited support hours for all games. Tech Support will be closed on Monday, December 26th, in observance of Christmas, and we will have limited Phone Support coverage from Tuesday, December 27th through Friday, December 30th. Our limited support hours will be from 10am to 4pm Pacific Time.

Here's to a happy 2012. We hope all your wishes come true!

Bonus Experience December 28 - January 2nd Happy Holidays


Greetings Heroes! There will be a bonus applied to all experience during this holiday season. This means Crafting, Adventuring, and Diplomacy. The bonus experience starts at 7:15 a.m. PST on Wednesday, December 28th and will end at 7:15 a.m. PST on Monday January 2nd.

Happy and safe adventuring!

SOE Community Official SOE Podcast #123 is Live!


Official SOE Podcast #123

Join us for the Official SOE Podcast #123 - the "Ho-Ho-Cast!" Your host, Aimee "Ashlanne" Rekoske, is joined by your co-host, Linda "Brasse" Carlson. Listen in as they talk about EQII Age of Discovery launch, Holiday Carol Challenge, and the 12 Days of Holidays. We'll also have interviews with the Floyd Bishop and James Radcliffe. Our News Caster Tim Loftus will bring us the latest updates on many SOE titles. Let us know what you think at or head over to the Station Forums and share your opinion with the Community!

You can download the MP3 file directly or subscribe to the RSS feed by clicking the button listed below. We have both high and low bandwidth versions available.


Don?t forget you can find us on Twitter and Facebook!

The Telon Puzzle ? December 20, 2011

Twighlyte Song's Fishing Tournament!

On Sunday December 18th from 1200-1600 EST(GMT-5) Twighlyte Song will be hosting their Fishing contest on Telon.

Prizes will be coin! 2 platinum for first place, 1 platinum for second, 75 gold for third, 50 gold for 4th, and 25 gold for fifth. So dust off your fishing gear and join in! Twighlyte Song is hosting this event but some of the prizes have been donated by other guilds or people outside of the guild. Join the events channel the day of the event if you want to participate. The contest fish will be announced in that channel. All winners will be expected to meet to receive their prize.



SOE Community Webcast: EverQuest - The Cheat Stops Here


EverQuest recently launched an extensive program to stop cheating! Host Linda "Brasse" Carlson (Director, Global Community Relations) will talk with Thom "Phantom" Terrazas (EverQuest Producer), Brad Wilcox (Executive Director Customer Service), and Eric "Piestro" Cleaver (EQ Community Manager), to discuss how the Development Team, Customer Service and Community rolled this initiative out to the players, as well as our goals and approach as we continue to clean Norrath up for its honest citizens. We will collect some of your questions on the EQ Facebook page prior to the show.

Join us on Thursday, December 15, 2011, at 4:00 p.m. US Pacific Time* on?Twitch?TV!?The webcast is expected to last about 20 minutes.?

Learn how the banhammer works ? catch us on?Twitch?TV!?

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The Telon Puzzle ? December 12, 2011

Official SOE Community Podcast #122 is Live!

Which side of Auraxis are you on?

Matt Higby (Creative Director), Bill Yeatts (Art Director), and Tramell Isaac (Sr. Art Director) have all chosen their sides. Join them for an epic battle of smack talk and see which faction will win the day. Will it be Tramell's beloved Vanu Sovereignty? Perhaps Matt's New Conglomerate? Or will it be the long shot, Bill's Terran Republic? We also have a very special promotion to share with you, so don't miss it!

Join us on Thursday, December 8th, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. US Pacific Time* on?Twitch?TV!?The webcast is expected to last about 20 minutes.?

Whose side are you on?

See you on?Twitch?TV!?

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SOE Community Webcast: PlanetSide 2 Faction Battle

Which side of Auraxis are you on?

Matt Higby (Creative Director), Bill Yeatts (Art Director), and Tramell Isaac (Sr. Art Director) have all chosen their sides. Join them for an epic battle of smack talk and see which faction will win the day. Will it be Tramell's beloved Vanu Sovereignty? Perhaps Matt's New Conglomerate? Or will it be the long shot, Bill's Terran Republic? We also have a very special promotion to share with you, so don't miss it!

Join us on Thursday, December 8th, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. US Pacific Time* on?Twitch?TV!?The webcast is expected to last about 20 minutes.?

Whose side are you on?

See you on?Twitch?TV!?

*Convert to your local time?




SOE Community Webcasts: Free Realms Snow Days and Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Combat Zone

Webcast logo

On December 8, 2011 at 4pm* and 4:30pm* we'll be having a pair of webcasts for Free Realms and Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures!

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Webcast

Gear up and join us for the Star Wars?: Clone Wars Adventures? Webcast! Justin Dazet (Game Designer II) will interview Todd Carson (Producer), Sarah Barnes (Animator), and Kacey Helms (Artist) to share the details on Combat Zone, an exciting new area coming to Star Wars?: Clone Wars Adventures?. We'll also talk about Life Day and something new to decorate with, so don't miss it!

Join us on Thursday, December 8, 2011, at 4:00 p.m. US Pacific Time* on Twitch TV! The webcast is expected to last about 20 minutes.

Free Realms Webcast

Happy Snow Days Free Realms Fans! Celebrate the season with Referee Ruby, Misty Michelle (Artist), and Christopher Fritchoff (Game Designer)! We will hear all the details on Snow Days 2011. They will also talk about the upcoming Housing update; we will get to hear about all of the exciting changes coming for housing. You do not want to miss this webcast!

Join us on Thursday, December 08, 2011, at 4:30 p.m. US Pacific Time* on Twitch TV! The webcast is expected to last about 20 minutes.

Be there for our Snow Days Webcast!

See you on Twitch TV!

*Convert to your local time

The Telon Puzzle ? December 07, 2011

The Telon Puzzle ? November 28, 2011

SOE Community Webcast:DC Universe Online When Lightning Strikes



You never know when lightning may strike! Join Executive Producer Lorin "Deadmeat" Jameson and other members of the DCUO Dev team as they share details on the second DLC pack "Lightning Strikes." They will discuss the Electricity power set, Central City, and other exciting content!

Join us on Tuesday, November 29, 2011, at 4:30 p.m. US Pacific Time* on?Twitch?TV!?The webcast is expected to last about 20 minutes.?

Be there when Lightning Strikes!

*Convert to your local time?


SOE Community Webcast: EverQuest II: Journey to the Age of Discovery!



Come check out the EverQuest II Dungeon Maker Webcast! Host Linda "Brasse" Carlson (Director, Global Community Relations) will interview Dave "SmokeJumper" Georgeson (EQ2 Executive Producer), Greg "Rothgar" Spence (EQ2 Lead Programmer) and Akil "Lyndro" Hooper (EQ2 Lead Designer), and learn all about one of the most anticipated feature for the new EverQuest II expansion: Age of Discovery.

Join us on?Thursday, November 17, 2011, at 4:30 p.m.?US Pacific Time*, as we live stream this webcast on the?Twitch?TV!?The webcast is expected to last about 20 minutes.

Come join us for the fun!

See you on?Twitch?TV!

*Convert to your local time




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Bitcoins: A Decentralized Digital Currency?

By: Katherine Thorsteinson, Staff Writer

The new currency?

via TraderTim, Flickr

In the wake of a global double dip recession the world is screaming ?Show me the money!? However, the response to this demand is widely varied. There are those involved with Operation Occupy Wall Street, those like libertarian Ron Paul advocating a zero percent income tax policy and reversion to the gold standard, and finally there is the more traditionally moderate position of slow recovery and little systematic change.

With all this opposition and disagreement the really interesting question becomes, what will this money begin to look like? Currently, things are not likely to change in this regard, but one very novel invention seems to be indicating where money may take us in the future. Can you imagine a totally decentralised digital currency? Welcome to the world of Bitcoins. In the spirit of anonymity upheld by this new currency, its 2009 invention has been attributed to the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. But to whom this might be or to how many people this may include is entirely unknown.

To some, this may sound like the perfect answer to many of our current economic difficulties?

Bitcoins are an online currency which may be exchanged in a virtual value system with other users around the world. tells us that, ?Compared to other alternatives, Bitcoins have a number of advantages. Bitcoins are transferred directly from person to person via the net without going through a bank or a clearing house. This means that the fees are much lower, you can use them in every country, your account cannot be frozen, and there are no prerequisites or arbitrary limits.?

// ]]>

To some, this may sound like the perfect answer to many of our current economic difficulties in which the world?s greatest superpower relies on a Federal Reserve Bank that remains suspiciously not federal. But how exactly do these new Bitcoins work? Somewhat allusively, explains that ?Bitcoins are generated all over the internet by anybody running a free application called Bitcoin miner.? To ?mine? your Bitcoin a certain amount of ?work? is required.

The network automatically adjusts the amount of Bitcoins earned per amount of work completed so that they are always being produced at a predictable and limited rate. To transfer your Bitcoins, the program adds an electronic signature, and within minutes this transaction will be certified by another member miner. This entire transaction is then stored in the network permanently and anonymously. Because this software is open-sourced, anybody has rights to access the code.

In spite of this explanation, for many this system will remain troubling and elusive. Indeed, difficulties have already surfaced. Due to a number of factors, including the currency?s short life-span and user uncertainty, Bitcoin continues to display a highly volatile rate of exchange into USD, and this problem is only amplified by the inability to make use of futures or options. There are a number of online businesses and exchange markets that are already accepting Bitcoin.

However, different users are quoting widely different exchange rates for any given time, suggesting that value in the Bitcoin market is not so evenly distributed. More technical concerns have been raised about the security of such online currencies in the face of a growingly competent hacking community. Others have wondered to what extent Bitcoin is a viable alternative to our current financial crises. After all, critics ask, isn?t it troubling that our value system has strayed so far from the real, physical modes of production and service? It is unclear whether this new financial option could assess these more psychological considerations.

For all its novel interest and seemly good intentions, this currency remains somewhat of a play thing for those involved with or curious about computer programming and economics. Considering how drastically different Bitcoins are from our current system, it is unlikely for the moment that this ?change? is going to come.

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Monday, December 26, 2011