Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Small Business Remains Critical

Small business remains critical to the economy with the progress and success of entrepreneurs still a keenly watched metric. With the ongoing economic recovery and health of the current economy at stake, the health of small businesses will remain important for the foreseeable future. How is your business doing in the current economic climate?


?Small business is the backbone of the American economy?. Not that most small business owners don?t already know this, but this is just one theme among others like the concept of cloud computing coming into its own, trending for the new year according to this report. See what else is in store for 2012. USA Today

Why are African-American small business owners more optimistic than others? Statistics on this demographic, discussed here, also show that these small business owners are more likely to increase benefits for their employees this year, in spite of the adverse affects of the economy. Find out what?s responsible for this difference in outlook. BET

Events & Resources

Small business soirees you don?t want to miss! From small business summits to marketing symposiums to festivals of all kinds entrepreneurial and more, here?s a roundup of spectacular events for anyone wanting to grow their business. Small Business Trends

Down to earth insights from small business experts. In this video series, the first three of twelve experts share their advice for your 2012 small business makeover. Not for the faint of heart, these videos include tips for radical changes in your business for increased success in the new year. Smallbiz Technology

Trends & Issues

A little something on the side. In this case, it?s the new business you want to start while working for your current employer. But what are the ethics and etiquette surrounding this situation? Do employers have the right to know what you?re doing on the side, or even have a say whether or not you can start a side business? Associate professor of business administration at the University of Virginia?s Darden School of Business Gregory Fairchild weighs in on the topic. Entrepreneur

?Cash mobs? turn the buy-local philosophy into an organized pastime via social media. See how this shopping and social media phenomenon draws customers together for a common cause that could be your small business?s bottom line. The Wall Street Journal


Don?t hesitate?iterate! is the battle cry of the Fail Fast process, a method of iterative strategic planning and testing where you learn to quickly identify what?s working, what?s not, and react accordingly. Read on for how to implement this method in your small business. Youngentrepreneur

Over 50 and loving it! Actually here are 53 common sense tips for what to do with unethical customers along with reminders for incorporating what you?ve learned from your experiences dealing with these unpleasant clients. The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur


Catch up on your to-do list. It?s a great time to get a jump on the competition and your backlog of unfinished projects during this traditionally slow week leading up to the new year. Hunker down with these helpful hints for your small business this week. Scott Fox

What are your company?s knowledge and idea resources? Using these resources to their greatest potential is a hugely important consideration in your small business planning. How are you maximizing and enhancing the potential of these resources in your small business for the future? Channelship


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