Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mannequin Factory

I am in need of 4 characters :]

[OWNER #1]
Jane Gatenby:
Late 20s - early 40s
strict, serious, elegant & controls Vampyrs & Demons section
hates all creatures.

Vampyr Boy
21 years
cocky, laid back, extremely handsome, elegant, secretive
thinks he likes Demon girl but denies it

Werewolf boy
22 years
shy, quiet, cute, cold, musical
Likes Human Girl.

Human Boy
20 years
insane, chatty, flirty, beautiful, clumbsy
falls in love with Vampyr Girl.

The infomation about the Roleplay is here

But if you want to ask me anythign just PM me :]

Thank You :D


ios 5 release date ios 5 release date ios 5 update joojoo joseph addai joseph addai michael jackson autopsy

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