Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chris Brown-Drake ?fight? club shut down


The Soho nightclub where last week's brawl involving hip-hop stars Chris Brown and Drake which left several people, including San Antonio Spurs guard Tony Parker, injured has been shut down indefinitely by the New York Police Department for undisclosed code violations.

W.i.P., where Thursday's melee took place, and Greenhouse--which houses W.i.P.--were both closed by the NYPD's Civil Enforcement Unit on Saturday, a day after Jonathan Cantor, the club's manager of Greenhouse, was arrested for two outstanding warrants unrelated to the fracas.

According to ABC News, Brown's bodyguard, who was hospitalized with "a massive cut to his head," has since filed a criminal complaint. According to, a woman who was hit by a bottle during the fight--which may or may not have been over Rihanna--has filed a complaint, too.

Parker, a member of the French basketball team, said he suffered a scratched retina and admitted himself to a local hospital when he arrived in Paris to prepare for the Summer Olympics.

"I was with my friend Chris Brown and me and my friends took some punches, so I'll be missing the start of the French team because I can't do anything for a week except keep the lens in and then take drops," Parker said, according to the Associated Press. "They started throwing bottles everywhere. I don't know what happened. At first [my eye] was OK, but then it started getting worse and when the plane landed it was really hurting so I went straight to the ER."

Publicists for both Brown and Drake maintain their clients did nothing wrong.

"Chris, Karrueche [Brown's girlfriend] and his friends were victims of a brutal attack," Brown's publicist told "They sustained several injuries.? Chris and his party are cooperating with New York authorities who are pursuing this incident further."

"Drake did not participate in any wrongdoing of any kind," Drake's publicist said in separate statement. "He was on his way out of the club when the altercation began. He did not engage in any activity which resulted in injury to person or damage to property."

According to the Post, the club's abrupt closing ruined the evening for at least two groups of would-be clubgoers:

"This is crap," Amanda Olsen, 32, who came from Chicago with her girlfriend, Kiona Baker, to celebrate Baker's 26th birthday. "It ruined her birthday, we're pretty angry."

Ryan Gordon, 31, is visiting the city for the first time from Phoenix with a group of friends.

"We heard it was a really cool club and thought to come by. We're all dressed up nice for this place and now we have to go to a regular bar."

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